

Salware bibliography

Bloc cipher


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Lightweight block ciphers implementations

1. Matlab/Octave Implementations

In this page, the Octave/Matlab implementations of eight lightweight block ciphers are available:
Block Cipher Publication year Type of construction Block size(s) Key size(s) Files
HIGHT [1] 2006 Feistel network 64 128 link
Present [2] 2007 Substitution and permutation network 64 80/128 link
Ktantan [3] 2009 Stream/Block 32/48/64 80 link
LBlock [4] 2011 Feistel network 64 80 link
LED [5] 2011 Substitution and permutation network 64 64/128 link
Klein [6] 2012 Substitution and permutation network 64 64/80/96 link
ITUBee [7] 2013 Feistel network 80 80 link
Lilliput [8] 2015 Feistel network 64 80 link

These software implementations help debugging hardware implementation because of the simplicity to extract intermediate values. Additionally, it allows a designer to generated new test vectors easily. For each block ciphers, two files are provided: (Cipher)_lib.m and (Cipher).m (Example: LILLIPUT_lib.m and LILLIPUT.m).
The first file contains the library of all function used in the block cipher implemented. The second file encrypts and decrypts messages

2. Hardware implementation

The hardware implementations of four of these block ciphers are also available for FPGA:
Block cipher Used block size Used key size Fullwidth hardware implementation Serial hardware implementation
Klein 64 80 files files
Led 64 128 files files
Lilliput 64 80 files files
Ktantan 64 80 files files
All these block ciphers have been implemented with two different strategies: Full-width and Serial hardware implementations. Additionally, the common framework built for the comparison of these hardware implementations of block ciphers is also available to download (files)

For Lilliput, four different implementations are provided with four different versions of the key schedule. In each archive, Lilliput_(i) refers to version (i) of the key schedule. The Figure bellow presents the four versions of the keyschedule.

The specification of all implemented ciphers can be found in the reference list (Se The specification of all implemented ciphers can be found in the reference list (Section 4).

3. The common framework

The common framework divides the implementation in two parts: the data path and the controller. The Figure below presents the block diagram of this framework.

The controller defines the interface of communication thanks to the signal control:
Value of the signal control Command sent to the controller
00 Do nothing
01 Load a key
10 Encrypt a message
11 Decrypt a message

The three outputs of the controller give information of the state of the whole system:
Output signal Information of the signal when it is set to 1
key_valid A key is ready to be processed: it is possible to encrypt or decrypt a message
busy_o The system is performing an operation, all command will be ignore
done_o The operation is done; the result is available at the data_o output.

The Figure below shows the ASM chart of the controller.

Only few part of this controller has to be changed depending on the implemented algorithm. This feature makes possible to do fair comparison of several block ciphers but also of other kind of algorithms.

4. References

1. Hong D., Sung J., Hong S., Lim J., Lee S., Koo B. S., ..., Kim H. “HIGHT: A new block cipher suitable for low-resource device.” In Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems-CHES 2006, pp.46-59. DOI: 10.1007/11894063
2. Bogdanov A., Knudsen L. R., Leander G., Paar C., Poschmann A., Robshaw M. J., ..., Vikkelsoe C. “PRESENT: An ultra-lightweight block cipher” Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 450-466. 2007, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-74735-2_31
3. De Cannière C., Dunkelman O., Kneevi M., “Katan and ktantan a family of small and efficient hardware-oriented block ciphers”. In Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems-CHES 2009, vol. 5747, pp. 272–288. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04138-9_20
4. Wu W., Zhang L. “LBlock: a lightweight block cipher”. In Applied Cryptography and Network Security 2011, pp. 327-344. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-21554-4
5. Guo J., Peyrin T., Poschmann A., Robshaw M., “The led block cipher”. In Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems-CHES vol. 6917, pp. 326–341. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23951-9_22
6. Gong Z., Nikova S., Law Y., “Klein: A new family of lightweight block ciphers”. In RFID. Security and Privacy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7055, pp. 1–18. 2012. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25286-0_1
7. Karakoç F., Demirci H., Harmancı A. E., “ITUbee: a software oriented lightweight block cipher”. In Lightweight Cryptography for Security and Privacy 2013 pp. 16-27. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-40392-7
8. Berger T., Francq J., Minier M., Thomas G.: “Extended generalized Feistel neworks using matrix representation to propose a new lightweight block cipher: Lilliput”. IEEE Transactions on Computer (2015). DOI 10.1109/TC.2015.2468218