Open Science at UJM

Open Science

Open Science is a broad concept that covers practices, principles and strategies relating to the accessibility of results produced by scientific communities, both nationally and internationally. The aim of Open Science is to make the knowledge generated by scientific studies as accessible as possible, even beyond traditional academic circles.

 At the Université Jean Monnet, Christelle Bahier-Porte, Vice-President of Research, has set up a working group to draw up a roadmap for coordinating and monitoring the Open Science activities of the university's various departments.  Filippo A. E. Nuccio Mortarino Majno di Capriglio, a lecturer in Mathematics at the Saint-Étienne IUT and the Camille Jordan Institute, has been appointed as the Open Science coordinator.

Following the approval of the roadmap, the UJM signed the DORA declaration, pledging "not to use bibliometric indicators as a substitute for measuring the individual quality of scientific output" and to promote all research products.

These actions are being carried out as part of the national policy initiated by the law for a digital republic and formalised by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research through two successive national plans. To present these initiatives to the university community, an Open Science Day was organised on 29 March 2023.