University boards
Jean Monnet University is headed by a President elected for a period of 4 years.
To carry out the establishment's policy, an executive board brings together vice-presidents and policy officers, delegated to specific areas.
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The President
Florent PIGEON
Presentation of the executive board (FR)
University councils
The central councils are elected by members of the university community and consist of student representatives, teaching staff, other staff and some external figures chosen by the elected members:
The Board of Trustees (BT)
The Board of Trustees determines the establishment's policy, votes on the budget and approves the accounts. It decrees the statutes of the university and the common services, and approves those of the components.
The Academic Council
The Academic Council consists of the Research Commission (RC) and the Commission for Education and University Life (CEUL). The members of these two councils together exercise the competences of the Academic Council in plenary formation.
The Research Commission (RC)
The Research Commission defines guidelines for research policy, scientific and technical documentation, and the distribution of research funds.
The Commission for Education and University Life (CEUL)
The Commission for Education and University Life suggests teaching guidelines for initial training and life long learning to the Board of Trustees and proposes measures in favour of successful career guidance, a dynamic student life and students’ professional integration.