Science, Technology, Health

Science, Technology, HealthHealth, Manufacture, Métare & Roanne campuses | 11,000 students

©Pierre Grasset

10 bachelor of Sciences (BSc) degrees

- Mathematics

- Computer Science

- Physics

- Chemistry

- Earth Sciences

- Biology
Cellular Biology and Physiology
Biology of organisms and populations

- Sciences and Technologies of Physical and Sports Activities 
Education and motricity
Sports training
Special physical activities and health  (sports for the disabled) 

- Sciences for Health

7 bachelor or Technology degrees

- Physical measurements
- Electrical Engineering and industrial Informatics
- Biological Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering and industrial Automation
- Industrial Engineering and maintenance
- Networks and Telecommunications
- Quality, industrial Logistics and Organisation

4 vocational bachelor degrees

- Geomaterials, alterations and environment
- Professions of environment protection and management
- Professions of building and public works industry: building and construction
- Professions of building and public works industry: energetic and environmental performances of buildings

2 University specialization degrees in Technology

- Acoustics and vibrations
- Vaccum technologies and materials 

12 master of Sciences (MSc) degrees | 29 programmes

- Applied Mathematics and Statistics

- Computer Science 
Data and connected systems
International programmes

- Optics, Image, Vision & Multimedia 
Advanced Imaging & Material Appearance
Photonics Engineering
International programmes

- Chemistry and Materials Sciences
Plastics processes 

- Industrial Engineering
Management and engineering of health and industrial systems
Advanced methods in industrial engineering

- Electronics, electrical energy and automatics 
Informatic Process and Instrumentation for Engineering
International programmes

- Molecular and cellular Biology
International programmes

2 Graduate Schools

- EUR MANUTECH Sleight Graduate School
- Health Performance Science Graduate School  (new in 2023)

1 Doctoral School

- Doctoral school in Sciences, Engineering, Health (20 PhD degrees)

3 Engineering degrees and programmes

- Telecommunications
- Image and Photonics, smart industry (work/study programme)
- Data Engineering (work/study programme)

Medical dtudies from undergraduate to PhD | about 60 specializations

- General education in Medical Sciences (3 years BSc level degree)
- In-depth education in Medical Sciences (3 years MSc level degree) 
- 34 degrees/programmes in Specialized medical education (PhD level)
- 21 degrees/programmes in Specialized surgery education (PhD level)
- 5 degrees in Advanced Practice in Nursing (MSc level)
- Lifelong learning programs from undergraduate to PhD 

8 associated Institutes

- Nursing Studies (BSc level degree)
- Radio Operating Studies (BSc level degree)
- Physiotherapist Studies (MSc level degree)

6 international master programs

- MLDM - Machine Learning and Data Mining
- CPS² - Cyber-Physical Social Systems
- Photonics Engineering
- Bioacoustics (1 year)
- HPS - Health Performance Science (1 year)
- Integrated passive electronic components (Western Africa delocalization)

5 Erasmus Mundus joint masters

- COSI - Computational cOlour and Spectral Imaging
Partnership with NTNU (No), UEF (Fi), UGr (Es)

- IMLEX - Imaging and Light in Extended Reality Erasmus Mundus – Japan
Partnership with UEF (Fi), KU Leuven (Be), TUT (Ja)

- PSRS - Photonics for Security Reliability and Safety
Partnership with UEF (Fi), PoliTo (It), UPEC (Fr)

- RADMEP - Radiation and its Effects on MicroElectronics and Photonics Technology
Partnership with UJ (Fi), KU Leuven (Be), UM (Fr)

- LIVE - Leading International Vaccinology Education
Partnership with UCBL (Fr), UA (Be), UB & UAB (Es)

Short programmes (microcredentials & LLL)

- EUR Manutech Sleight interdisciplinary weeks 
- Winter school on Bioacoustics
- Tropical Bioacoustics school (new)
- Partnership with U of Odense (DK)
- Athletics Medicine Certificate (LLL) (partnership with UL (CH), UH (De), European Athletics)
- International mobility programs in technology (1 year) (Western Africa delocalization)
- Internships
- Microcredentials...

Faculties, Institutes & Schools

Faculty of Sciences & Technology
- Faculty of Medicine
- Telecom Saint-Etienne School of Engineering
- EUR Manutech Sleight Graduate School
- Sports, Health, Performance Graduate School (new in 2023)
- Institute of Technology of Saint-Étienne (IUT)
- Institute of Technology of Roanne (IUT)
- Doctoral School Sciences, Engineering, Health

School of engineering hosted branch: Institute for Optics Graduate School, IOGS Paris-Saclay