Stochastic processes, metastability and applications
Du 31 mai 2023 au 2 juin 2023
Conference room, (at second floor)
Institut Élie Cartan de Lorraine
Faculté des Sciences et Technologies Campus,
Boulevard des Aiguillettes
54506 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy
Workshop at the Institute Elie Cartan
Stochastic processes, metastability and applications
Aim of the workshop
This workshop corresponds to a meeting organised by a funding ANR project: METANOLIN. The main objective of the teams is to tackle metastability problems for non-linear processes. Although metastability is well understood from decades for linear and reversible diffusions, the project is dealing with setting where the classical techniques are not efficient. The linear stochastic processes had been well known for decades.
But, the nonlinear ones are the subject of intense research in the domain of the probability, in the partial differential equations but also in the applications of the mathematics. Mainly, we are interested either in diffusion in which the Markov property is violated (self-interacting diffusion) or in diffusion in which the non-linearity arises from high dimensional particles systems. In this workshop, we gather experts for the questions of metastability in high dimensional setting (mean field particle systems) and in non linear one. Indeed,real phenomena are more often involving nonlinear processes than linear ones.
Organising committee
Aline Kurtzmann, Université de Lorraine
Julian Tugaut, Université Jean Monnet
List of confirmed speakers
Ashot Aleksian : Université Jean Monnet
Simone Baldassarri : University of Florence (on line)
Freddy Bouchet : ENS Lyon (to be confirmed)
Giovanni Conforti : Ecole Polytechnique
Hong Duong : University of Birmingham
Benjamin Jourdain : Ecole des Ponts Paristech
Tony Lelièvre : Ecole des Ponts Paristech
Pierre Monmarché (Sorbonne Université)
Boris Nectoux : Université de Clermont Auvergne
Michela Ottobre : Heriot Watt University
Fabien Panloup : Université d'Angers
Julien Reygner : Ecole des Ponts Paristech
Martin Slowik : University of Mannheim
Program and talks
Registration HERE (registrations are now closed)
Practical information
The talks will take place in the Institut Élie Cartan de Lorraine, conference room (at second floor).
Address: Institut Élie Cartan de Lorraine, Faculté des Sciences et Technologies Campus, Boulevard des Aiguillettes 54506 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy
How to go from the main station Nancy to the Élie Cartan Institute. The city bus company STAN:
The Bus A takes you from the main train station to the faculty of Sciences, station ``Vélodrome''. It takes around 20 minutes.
Then, you walk five minutes to arrive to the institute."
Poster of the workshop