Number Theory Conference

Number Theory Conference : analytic, additive, diophantine aspects and related areas

Faculty of Science and Technology
Manufacture Campus

Institut Camille Jordan - Conference


Number Theory Conference : analytic, additive, diophantine aspects and related areas

Saint-Etienne, November 19th-21st  2024

List of speakers :

Faustin Adiceam (Paris, France)
Christoph Aistleitner (Graz, Autriche)
Cécile Dartyge (Nancy, France)
Anne de Roton (Nancy, France) 
Lucile Devin (Calais, France) 
Sary Drappeau (Marseille, France) 
Rita Giuliano (Pise, Italy) 
Manuel Hauke (NTNU Trondheim, Norway) 
Oleksiy Klurman (Bristol, UK) 
Clemens Müllner (Vienne, Austria) 
Alain Plagne (Ecole Polytechnique, France) 
Athanasios Sourmelidis (Lille, France) 
Takeshi Shinohara (Université de Nagoya, Japon)
Nikita Shulga (Victoria, Australia)
Eduard Stefanescu (Graz, Austria)
Niclas Technau (Bonn, Germany) 
Ezra Waxman (Haifa, Israel)
Agamemnon Zafeiropoulos (Graz, Austria) 



List of participants

Organisors :

Driss Essouabri           
François Hennecart    
Marc Munsch             
Olivier Robert              


Conference location, information, schedule and abstracts


The Conference Dinner on Wednesday will take place at the restaurant L'Escargot d'Or.

This dinner will be the occasion to enjoy a musical moment with the artist Lucie Taffin

Conference poster

Website  :

Financial support for this conference :

Université Jean Monnet

Institut Camille Jordan

ANR ArithRand (ANR-20-CE91-0006)