Multiscale Modeling in Fluid Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interaction
Du 7 octobre 2019 au 11 octobre 2019
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
Naugarduko st. 24,
03225 Vilnius (Lithuania)
International Conference,
The International Conference “Multiscale Modeling in Fluid Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interaction” will take place in Vilnius (Lithuania) in the period 7-11 October of 2019. This meeting is meant to gather renowned experts from the field and represents an opportunity for presenting high-impact research at the forefront of mathematical modeling in hemodynamics, as well as facilitating the exchange of ideas between researchers.
Organizing Committee
- Konstantinas Pileckas (Lithuania)
- Grigory Panasenko (France)
- Kristina Kaulakyté (Lithuania)
- Olga Stikoniené (Lithuania)
Invited speakers
Fazly Ataullakhanov (Russia)
John Ball (UK)
Cristobal Bertoglio (Netherlands)
Éric Canon (France)
Frédéric Chardard (France)
Giovanni Paolo Galdi (USA)
Dan Givoli (Israel)Yuliya Gorb (USA)
Céline Grandmont (France)
Eduard Marusic-Paloka (Croatia)
Andro Mikelic (France)
Alexander Movchan (UK)
Boris Muha (Croatia)
Igor Pazanin (Croatia)
Alfio Quarteroni (Switzerland)
Adelia Sequeira (Portugal)
Abstracts for all the talks should be submitted as a LaTeX file to the address by June 15, 2019.
Please use the Sample LaTeX file for the preparation of your abstract.
To registrate please send an e-mail to the address (conference2019 @ with the following information:
- Name, Last name
- Institution
- E-mail address
- Title and abstract of the talk. Please use the Sample LaTeX file for the preparation of your abstract.
The registration fee is 100 Euro which includes:
- Conference materials
- Coffee-breaks
- Welcome party
- Conference dinner
- Excursion