Séminaire de la SFR MODMAD
Le 27 novembre 2019
De 15h45 à 16h45
Speaker: Igor Chernyavsky, University of Manchester
"Upscaling transport in a complex disordered system: structure-function interplay in the human placenta"
Séminaire de la Structure Fédérative du MODMAD
Le prochain séminaire de la SFR MODMAD aura lieu :
Mercredi 27 novembre 2019 à 15h45
Salle des séminaires du département de Mathématiques, salle C 112
Faculté des Sciences et Techniques UJM, 23 rue P. Michelon, 42023, Saint-Étienne
Speaker: Igor Chernyavsky, University of Manchester
Title: Upscaling transport in a complex disordered system: structure-function interplay in the human placenta
Abstract: The human placenta is a fetal life-support system, where the primary exchange units, terminal villi, contain disordered networks of fetal capillaries and are interfaced with maternal blood percolating a complex porous medium. While placental transport at the micro-scale can be described by established models, systematically upscaling the transport and quantifying the associated uncertainty at the organ-scale remain open challenges.
On the porous side, we consider flow past a one-dimensional random array to understand the interplay between the physics of transport and microscopic disorder. Our analysis reveals surprising long-range correlations in the upscaled approximation that strongly depend on the statistics of the microstructure.
On the network side, we integrate three-dimensional image-based geometric and transport features into new non-dimensional parameters to show how the irregular internal structure of a terminal villus determines its exchange capacity for a wide range of solutes. The developed theory provides a robust and efficient tool for quantifying solute exchange in complex microvascular systems.