École de recherche AESIM (Asian European School in Mathematics) Mathematics for Health Science
Du 28 décembre 2023 au 6 janvier 2024
BITS Pilani, Inde
École de recherche AESIM (Asian European School in Mathematics)
Mathematics for Health Science
BITS Pilani, Inde, du 28 décembre 2023 au 6 Janvier 2024
2023 AESIM School
Mathematics for Health Sciences
Birla Institute of Technology & Science Pilani, Pilani, India
December 28, 2023 - January 6, 2024
This AESIM (Asian and European Schools In Mathematics) is:
an introductory school at masters level to Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing. It involves many aspects of probabilistic and deterministic modelling to handle world real-life problems in the Health Sciences, and incorporates both theoretical and practical perspectives by providing theory-based lectures or research talks, as well as their applied counterparts e.g. in the form of mini-projects that will take place throughout the duration of the school;
a companion of and a preparation for the 2024 CIMPA School Mathematics for Medicine and Health Sciences to be held at Silpakorn University, May 20 - 31, 2024, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. Both being initiatives of an on-going long-term cooperation programme under the network E-SEASON (European-South East Asia Science Oriented Network);
firmly committed with the UNESCO' Sustainable Development Goals policies, paying special attention to gender balance and environmental sustainability. In particular the school will run in a hybrid way (a number of lecturers and participants will be on-line) and only a limited number of on-site participants will be allowed to attend on-site for which a few grants are available (travel-accommodation-meals).
Bedjaoui, Nabil (nabil.bedjaoui @ u-picardie.fr); Université de Picardie Jules Verne, France
Correia, Joaquim M. C.; Universidade de Évora, Portugal
Mammeri, Youcef (youcef.mammeri @ univ-st-etienne.fr); Université Jean Monnet, France
Kumar, Rajesh (rajesh.kumar @ pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in); BITS Pilani, India
→ https://sites.google.com/uevora.pt/aesim-birla2023/