You have several housing options during your studies: public sector halls of residence managed by the CROUS, private halls of residence, renting a room as a lodger, private housing… Whatever you choose, the Students Welcome Desk can help you find accommodation and property in Saint-Étienne.
Accommodation in CROUS student residences
The Crous, public institutions of the State numbering 28 throughout France, are designed to promote good living and working conditions for students at education institutions. The Crous in Lyon is in charge of the departments of Ain, Loire (Saint-Étienne) and Rhône.
In CROUS student residences, the term of the lease is 9 months for the full academic year. For “semestrialised” courses, you can leave sooner giving one month's notice. Rent is payable directly to the residences in cash or by credit card. The deposit to pay is one month's rent. This is returned at the end of your stay, if there is no damage to the property.
The guarantor is a natural person living in France or in the European Union Eurozone. You can also go through Action Logement with the VISALE procedure.
Home insurance must be taken out with a student mutual fund or with a bank when opening an account.
Guide price : room in a CROUS university residence (9m2 renovated): €325/month, + a deposit of €230/year |
Accommodation in private student residences
Guide price for a studio in a student residence (18m2): €400/month + a deposit of €400/year |
Renting a room as a lodger
Many residents of Saint-Étienne are happy to welcome international students during their time in France. If you would like to live with a host family, please contact the Mission Accueil des Publics Internationaux (Students Welcome Desk).
Guide price for accommodation with a host family: approximately €690/month |
Accommodation grants – A.L. (allocation logement - accommodation allowance) or A.P.L (aide personnalisée au logement - personalised accommodation grant)
These grants are not allocated automatically. Applications are examined individually. In addition, some students may have a visa for a stay of 6 months or less so will not qualify for a student residence permit or financial help with accommodation.
Public sector student residences (subject to changes to the current French legislation). |
You can obtain Aide au Logement (A.L.) paid by the French allowance fund, the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales (CAF.) For this, you need to stay in the same residence for at least three months and open an account with a French bank (Aide au Logement can only be paid to a French bank account) The allowance is paid from the 2nd month onwards. If you leave your accommodation in the middle of a month, you lose your allowance entitlement for the whole month concerned. |
Private sector student residences or private homes |
Applications are made online via the CAF website, and the money will be paid directly to a bank account in France. |
For students outside the European Union: the allowance is only paid after the DEFINITIVE RESIDENCE PERMIT or a copy of the certificate of validation has been sent to the CAF.
French residence tax (Taxe d'habitation)
Important: whatever type of housing you choose, residence tax is payable by all tenants at the end of their stay. The request to pay this tax is generally sent by post in December in the year of residence. This tax is equal to about one month’s rent.