Journées du GDR TLAG English version

Days of the national network "Algebraic and Geometric Lie Theory"

May 17th and 18th, 2018

University of Science and Technology, University Jean Monnet of Saint-Etienne.

"Algebraic and Geometric Lie Theory" , Institute Camille Jordan


"Algebraic and Geometric Lie Theory" days




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Titles and Summaries

- Roberta Basili : "On the maximum nilpotent orbit which intersects the centralizer of a matrix"
- Michael Bate : "Representations of algebraic groups"
- Sergio Chouhy : "On the description of orbit closure"
- Thomas Gobet : "On positivity properties in Hecke algebras of Coxeter groups"
- Marion Jeannin : "On some properties of parabolic algebras in positive characteristic"
- Bruno Laurent : "Courbes presque homogènes"
- Alfons Ooms : "The polynomiality of the Poisson center of a Lie algebra and Dixmier's fourth problem"
- Oksana Yakimova : “Compatible Poisson brackets related to Inönü--Wigner contractions of simple Lie algebras”



Thursday 17th


  Sergio Chouhy, Univ Stuttgart, GER                                                          

Coffee Break


  Alfons Ooms, Univ Hasselt, BEL 


  Oksana Yakimova, Univ Cologne, GER 

13h00 - Lunch

PCI SCEMM,  Rue Copernic, 42100 SAINT ÉTIENNE


  Marion Jeannin , Univ Lyon, FRA


  Michael Bate , Univ of York, GB 

 Coffee Break


  Roberta Basili, Assisi ITA 

20h00- Conférence Diner

Restaurant Mon Jardin Secret, 29 rue Badouillère

Place Villeboeuf, 42000 SAINT ÉTIENNE

Friday 18th

9h00  Reception


 Bruno Laurent, Univ Grenoble Alpes, FRA                                           


   Gobet Thomas, Univ of Sydney,  AUS                                                      


Pratical Information

  • The talks will take place in amphitheater D202, 23 rue du Docteur Paul Michelon, Saint-Etienne
  • Stay : You will find here a selection of hotels in the center of the city.

  • Strike :
    A strike is scheduled by the national train company (SNCF) on May 18th and 19th (Friday and Saturday)
    This strike DOES NOT affect the shuttle Ouibus which makes the connection form Lyon Saint-Exupéry airport to Saint-Etienne main train station.
    Also, some colleagues from Lyon will come by car on thursday and on friday. If you wish to  carpool with them, we can help by connecting you with the concerned colleagues.

List of participants

Alsaody Seidon , Univ Lyon 1, FRA
Basili Roberta, Assisi ITA
Bate Michael, Univ of York, GB
Beck Vincent, Univ Orléans, FRA
Berger Roland, Univ Saint-Étienne, FRA
Bulois Michael, Univ Saint-Étienne, FRA
Chouhy Sergio, Univ Stuttgart​, GER
Dupont Benjamin, Univ Lyon, FRA
Essouabri Driss, Univ Saint-Étienne, FRA
Fauquant-Millet Florence, Univ Saint-Étienne, FRA
Foucault François, Univ Saint-Étienne, FRA
Gaussent Stéphane, Univ Saint-Étienne, FRA
Gobet Thomas, Univ of Sydney, AUS 
Guilhot Jérémie, Univ Tours, FRA
Jeannin Marion, Univ Lyon, FRA
Laurent Bruno, Univ Grenoble Aples, FRA
Lecoutre César, Univ Bruxelles, BEL
Marin Ivan, Univ Picardie, FRA
Nuccio Filippo, Univ Saint-Étienne, FRA
Ooms Alfons, Univ Hasselt, BEL
Phommady Kenny, Univ Saint-Étienne, FRA
Yakimova Oksana, Univ Cologne, GER
Yu Rupert, Univ Reims, FRA

You can see HERE, some pictures.

These days are supported by the national network "Théorie de Lie Algébrique et Géométrique", the Anglo-Franco-German Network "Representation Theory" , l’ANR GeoLie, l’EPSRC Grant EP/R009279/1, the Institute Camille Jordan and University Jean Monnet of Saint-Etienne.






Michael BULOIS, Florence FAUQUANT MILLET et Pascale VILLET
Organisateurs-GDR-TLAG-2018 @