Sém. 31/10/19 F. Z. Rostom

SéMINAIRE DE RECHERCHE EN éCONOMIE - GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne : Fatma Zahra Rostom

10h45 - 12h15

Salle du Conseil  202 (2ème étage)
77 rue Michelet
42023 Saint Etienne

Campus Tréfilerie - GATE Lyon Saint-Étienne

Fatma Zahra Rostom, University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, présentera un séminaire intitulé : A Dynamic Cooperative Game for International and Intergenerational Allocation with Exhaustible Natural Resources.

Résumé / abstract  :  We propose an original model which investigates the possible coalitions between countries having different endowments in terms of natural and technological resources. An international cooperative market game of non-renewable resources is cast into a traditional Ramsey-type model of intergenerational equity. We introduce a dynamic core concept and show that it contains at least two elements, meaning that, by following an optimal international cooperation strategy, countries can find an efficient and coalitionally rational consumption policy at the global scale.

Keywords : Non-renewable resources, Cooperative games, Dynamic core, Fair trade.

Co-author : Stéphane Gonzalez, GATE Lyon Saint-Étienne.

Fatma Zahra