Sém. 17/03/22 Z. Terzopoulou


10h45 - 12h00

Salle du Conseil  202 (2ème étage)

77 rue Michelet
42023 Saint Etienne

Campus Tréfilerie - GATE Lyon Saint-Étienne

Zoi Terzopoulou présentera un séminaire intitulé : Aggregating Evidence from Groups under Quality and Quantity Trade-offs.

Résumé / abstract  : Trade-offs between quality and quantity arise in an abundance of contexts concerning group decision making. With the starting point being that people provide more accurate evidence when they are involved with fewer problems, team managers encounter the following dilemma : Should they assign their group members with many tasks (attempting to gather more evidence with lower quality), or with fewer tasks (aiming at receiving less, but more high-quality evidence) ? Secondly, what is the optimal way to aggregate the collected evidence from a group, which may be contrasting and varying in accuracy ? Should more weight be given to the more accurate group members, or to the larger number of those who provide the same answer ? In this talk I will first address these issues from a mathematical perspective. Next, I will discuss an experiment investigating to what extent people’s decision-making patterns are in accordance with the optimal ones, proposed by the normative model.

Zoi Terzopoulou