Smr 29/09, C. Autant-Bernard


10h45 - 12h00

Salle de réunion 009 GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne
10, Rue Tréfilerie
42023 Saint Etienne Cedex 2

Campus Tréfilerie - GATE LSE - Maison de l'Université Bâtiment B

Corinne Autant-Bernard, GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne, présentera un séminaire intitulé : The Role of R&D Collaboration Networks on Regional Knowledge Creation : Evidence from Information and Communication Technologies.

Thème de recherche / Main topics : Network analysis, Spatial Econometrics

Corinne Autant-Bernard

Résumé / abstract  :

This study investigates how different R&D collaboration networks contribute to regional knowledge creation beside spatial interaction between proximate regions. We consider three networks (co-publications, co-inventions and projects supported by the EU-FP) and quantify their effects on patent activity of 213 European regions in ICT during 2003-2009. We specify a spatial Durbin Model and decompose neighboring regions as : proximate regions that are not collaboration partners, proximate collaboration partners, and distant collaboration partners. We find that all three networks affect patenting mainly via fostering local knowledge flows. Evidence on the role of distant collaboration partners is found only for the co-invention network.

Co-auteurs/Joint work with  : Cilem Selin Hazir & James LeSage