Séminaire de recherche en économie - GATE-LSE : Encarnacion Algaba

Séminaire de recherche en économie - GATE-LSE : Encarnacion Algaba


Salle de réunion 009 GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne
10, Rue Tréfilerie
42023 Saint Etienne Cedex 2

  • Campus Tréfilerie - GATE LSE - Maison de l'Université Bâtiment B

Encarnacion Algaba, U. Sevilla, présentera un séminaire intitulé : An overview of the Myerson value on communication network structures

Thème de recherche / Main topics : Game theory

 Encarnacion Algaba

Résumé / abstract  :

Communication and hierarchical features play a significant role in societies. In fact, agents participating in different kind of organizations, usually take different positions in some relational structure. The aim of this talk is to introduce a new framework integrating both communication and hierarchical features derived from this participation. In fact, this new type of network structure unifies and generalizes well-known models from the literature, such as communication and hierarchical networks. We introduce and analyze accessible union stable systems where union stability reflects the communication network and accessibility describes the hierarchy. Particular cases of these new network structures are the sets of connected coalitions derived from a communication graph and sets of feasible coalitions in permission structures with known applications in the literature. We apply these new network structures to model restrictions in cooperative games, and provide axiomatizations of the Myerson value obtained for this class of games. In particular, we focus on a characterization on the class of games of all accessible union stable systems using balanced contributions. Special attention is paid to the class of cycle-free accessible union stable system where another axiomatization on this special subclass is given using a fairness axiom.

Co-auteurs/Joint work with  :