Le 2 février 2017
10h45 - 12h00
Salle de réunion 009 GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne
10, Rue Tréfilerie
42023 Saint Etienne Cedex 2
Campus Tréfilerie - GATE LSE - Maison de l'Université Bâtiment B
Samia Badji, GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne, University of Lyon présentera un séminaire intitulé : Divestment in Human Capital or the Consequences of Internal Migration in China.
Thème de recherche / Main topics : Internal Migration, Education, China.
Résumé / abstract : This paper sheds light on the consequences of internal migration on the left behinds in China. On the one hand, migration often leads to an increased household income through remittances ; on the other hand, parental migration may lead to the undersupervision of their offspring so that the overall effect is unknown. The present work will focus on the effect of migration on the educational and working choices of 15-18 year old young adults. Using the RUMiC rural survey 2007 allows not only to scrutinize the effect of parental migration but also the effect of other household members’ migration, in particular, sibling’s migration which does not seem to improve educational investment.
Co-authors : Sylvie Démurger
Divestment in Human Capital or the Consequences of Internal Migration in China