Production scientifique signée MODMAD en 2016
Production scientifique signée MODMAD en 2016
1. Orlik J., Panasenko G., Shiryaev V., (2016) “Optimization of textile-like materials via homogenization and beam approximations”, SIAM Journal on Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 14, 2, 637-667
2. Panasenko G., Volpert V., (2016) “Homogenization of a one-dimensional diffusion – discrete absorption equation with feed-back”, Applicable Analysis, 95, 7, 1507-1516,
3. Malakhova-Ziablova I., Panasenko G., Stavre R. “Asymptotic analysis of a thin rigid stratified elastic plate – viscous fluid interaction problem”, Applicable Analysis, 2016, 95, 7, 1467-1506,
4.. Béal S., Rémila E. Characterizations of three linear values for TU games by associated consistency: simple proofs using the Jordan normal form. International Game Theory Review, (2016) 18:1 1650003 (21 pages).
5. Béal S., Casajus A., Huettner F. and Rémila E. Characterizations of weighted and equal division values. Theory and Decision, (2016) 80:649-667.
6. Béal S., Ferrières S., and Rémila E Axiomatic characterizations under players nullification.
Mathematical Social Sciences, (2016) 80:47-57.
7. Béal S., Rémila E., Solal P (2016), “Strategic implementation of the sequential equal surplus division rule for rooted trees”, Annals of Operational Research, doi:10.1007/s10479-016-2290-5.
8. Gonzalez S., Grabisch M., Multicoalitional solutions. Journal of Mathematical Economics, doi:10.1016/j.jmateco.2016.02.006.
Conférences aux congrès et workshops
1. Becker F., Fernandez Anta A., Rapaport I. and Rémila E. The effect of range and bandwidth on the round complexity in the congested clique model, in proc. of COCOON 2016, LNCS 9797 Springer, p. 182-193.
2. Panasenko G., Pileckas K., Asymptotic analysis of the non-steady Navier-Stokes equations in thin structures, Days on Diffraction (International Conference), June 27-July 1 2016, St.Petersburg, Book of abstracts, pp. 97-98, invited talk on minisymposium “Mathematical Modeling in Biology and Medicine”.
3. Panasenko G., Asymptotic partial decomposition for multistructures, International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, July 8-12 2016, Suzdal, Book of abstracts, pp.271-272, plenary talk
4. Panasenko G., Asymptotic reduction and numerical strategy for the flows in thin tube structures, 7 European Mathematical Congress, July 17-22 2016, Berlin, invited talk on minisymposium “Multiscale and Homogenization Methods.
5. Béal S., Rémila E., Solal P. “Discounted tree solutions” Euro OR conference, Poznan, July, 2016 (invited talk).
6. Béal S., Rémila E., Solal P. “Discounted tree solutions” Social Choice and Welfare conférence, Lund, June, 2016.
7. Gonzalez S., Marciano A., Solal P., « A new contribution of the validity of the Coase theorem using the core », SING 12 : The 11th Spain-Italy-Netherlands conference on Game Theory, Odense, Danemark.