Production scientif. 2019

Production scientifique signée MODMAD en 2019



Production scientifique signée MODMAD en 2019


1.   Panasenko G., Vernescu B., Non-Newtonian flows in domains with non-compact boundaries, Nonlinear Analysis, Series A, Theory, Methods and Applications,183, 2019,214-229,

2.   Bertoglio C., Conca C., Nolte D., Panasenko G., Pileckas K., Junction of models of different dimension for flows in tube structures by Womersley-type interface conditions, SIAM J. Appl.Math. 2019 79, 3, 959-985 doi.10.1137/M1229572

3.   Dobroserdova T., Liang F., Panasenko G.,Vassilevski. Yu.V., Multiscale models of blood flow in the compliant aortic bifurcation. Applied Mathematics Letters, 93, 2019, 98-104,

4.   Orlik J., Panasenko G., Stavre R., Asymptotic analysis of a viscous fluid layer separated by a thin stiff stratified elastic plate. Applicable Analysis, 2019,

5.   Béal S., Rémila E., P., Solal, Coalitional Desirability and the Equal Division Value, Theory and Decision, (2019), 86: 95-106.

6.   Algaba E., Béal S., Rémila E., P., Solal, Harsanyi Power Solutions for Cooperative Games on Voting Structures, International Journal of General Systems, (2019): 48: 575-602.

7.   Gonzalez S. Marciano A., Solal P., The Social Cost Problem, Rights and the (Non)Empty Core, Journal of Public Economic Theory, (2019) 21: 347-365. 


Conférences aux congrès et workshops

280.   Panasenko G., Reconstruction of the pressure in the method of asymptotic partial decomposition for the flows in thin domains, International Conference Operators, Operator Families, and Asymptotics II, January 14-17, 2019, Bath, UK, invited talk. Book of Abstracts, p.7.

281.   Panasenko G., Reconstruction of the pressure in method of asymptotic partial decomposition for the flows in thin domains, The First International Conference on Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems, Infinite-Dimensional Analysis, 17-21 June 2019, Dolgoprudny, Russia, plenary talk, Book of Abstracts, p.66

282.   Panasenko G., High order homogenized models, IV International Conference on Supercomputer Technologies of Mathematical Modelling, 19-21 June 2019, Moscow, Russia, invited talk.

 283.   Panasenko G., Stavre R., Junction of 3D-1D models of a vessel with elastic wall, International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Biomedicine, September 30 – October 4 2019, Moscow, Russia, invited talk. Book of Abstracts, p.75.

284.   Canon E., Chardard F., Panasenko G., Pileckas K., Štikonienė O., Asymptotic analysis and hybrid dimension models for the flows in thin tube structure, International Conference on  Multiscale Modeling in Fluid Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interaction, 7- 11 October, 2019, Vilnius, Lithuania, invited talk. Book of Abstracts, p.5.

285.   Chardard F., Canon E., Panasenko G., Štikonienė O. Numerical solution of the viscous flows in a network of thin tubes: equations on the graph. International Conference on  Multiscale Modeling in Fluid Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interaction, 7- 11 October, 2019, Vilnius, Lithuania, invited talk. Book of Abstracts, p.7.

286.   Canon, E. Chardard,F. Panasenko,G. Štikonienė O., On weakly singular kernels arising in equations set on a graph, modelling a flow in a network of thin tubes. International Conference on  Multiscale Modeling in Fluid Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interaction, 7- 11 October, 2019, Vilnius, Lithuania, invited talk. Book of Abstracts, p.4.

287.   Viallon M.C., Panasenko G., Method of asymptotic partial decomposition with discontinuous junctions. Finite volume implementation. International Conference on  Multiscale Modeling in Fluid Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interaction, 7- 11 October, 2019, Vilnius, Lithuania, invited talk. Book of Abstracts, p.22.

Publié le 31 mai 2018