Les publications du Laboratoire des transferts Lithosphériques - Année 2013
ACL : répertoriés par Web of Knowledge-Thomson Reuters, publiés en version papier en 2013
Akkoyun, M., Majesté, J.C., BASCOU J. (2013) Using the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility to infer flow induced orientation of anisotropic particles: Feasibility and sensitivity. Rheol Acta. 52: 49-57, doi:10.1007/s00397-012-0670-6. IF 2,03.
Andreani M., Munoz M., Marcaillou C., DELACOUR A. (2013) μXANES study of iron speciation inserpentine during oceanic serpentinization Lithos 178, 20-83.
AGASHEV A.M., IONOV D.A, Pokhilenko NP, Golovin AV, Cherepanova Yu.V, Sharygin I.S. (2013) Metasomatism in lithospheric mantle roots: constraints from whole-rock and mineral chemical composition of deformed peridotite xenoliths from kimberlite pipe Udachnaya. Lithos 160-161, 201-245, doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2012.11.014. IF 3,25.
Barruol G., Cordier E, BASCOU J., Fontaine F. R., Legrésy B., Lescarmontier L. (2013) Tide-induced microseismicity in the Mertz glacier grounding area, East Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 40, 1-5, doi:10.1002/2013GLO57814,2013 IF 3,98.
BASCOU J., Henry B. , MENOT R.P., Funaki M., Barruol G. (2013) Contribution of AMS measurements in understanding the migmatitic terrains of Pointe Géologie, Terre Adélie (East-Antarctica). Tectonophysics 603, 123-135, doi.org/10.1016/j;tecto.2013.05.021. IF 2,68.
BÉNARD A., IONOV D.A. (2013) Melt- and fluid-(rock interaction in supra-subduction lithospheric mantle : Evidence from andesite-hosted veined peridotite xenoliths. J. Petrology 54 (11), 2399-2378, doi: 10.1093/petrology/egt050 .IF 4,71.
BERTRAND G., Masini J., Goldscheider N., Meeks J., LAVASTRE V., Celle-Jeanton H., Gobat J.-M., Hunkeler D. (2013). Determination of spatiotemporal variability of tree water uptake using stable isotopes (δ18O, δ2H) in an alluvial system supplied by a high-altitude watershed, Pfyn forest, Switzerland. Ecohydrology (publ. Wiley Online library 23-NOV-2012), doi:10.1002/eco.1347. IF 2.13.
Block S., JF. MOYEN, A. Zeh, M. Poujol, J. Jaguin, J-L. Paquette (2013) The Murchison Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Accreted slivers with contrasting metamorphic conditions. Prec. Res. 227: 77-98, doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2012.03.005. IF 3,09.
BOIRON T., BASCOU J., Camps, P., Ferré, E., Maurice, C., Guy, B., GERBE M.C., Launeau, P., 2013. Internal structure of basalt flows: insights from magnetic and crystallographic fabrics of the La Palisse volcanic formation, French Massif Central. Geophys. J. Int. (acc. 20-Dec-2012). IF 2,42.
Breton T., Nauret F., Pichat S., MOINE B., Moreira M., Rose-Koga E.F., Auclair D., Bosq C., Wavrant L.M. (2013) Geochemical heterogeneities within the Crozet hotspot, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 376, 126-136. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2013.06.020
DOUCET L.S., IONOV D.A., Golovin A.V. (2013) The origin of coarse garnet peridotites in cratonic lithosphere: new data on xenoliths from the Udachnaya kimberlite, central Siberia. Contrib. Miner. Petrol., 165 (6), 1225-1242, doi:10.1007/s00410-013-0855-8. IF 3,48.
Ferré E.C., Friedman S.A., Martín-Hernández F., Feinberg J.M., Conder J.A., IONOV D.A. (2013) The magnetism of mantle xenoliths and potential implications for sub-Moho magnetic sources. Geophys. Res. Lett. 40 (1), 105-110, doi:10.1029/2012GL054100. IF 3,79.
Herzberg C., Asimow P., IONOV D.A., Vidito C., Jackson M.G., Geist D. (2013) Nickel and helium evidence for melt above the core mantle boundary. Nature 493 (7432), 393-397: doi:10.1038/nature11771 (17-Jan-2013). IF 36,3.
IONOV D.A., BÉNARD A., Plechov P.Yu., Scherbakov V.D. (2013) Along-arc variations in lithospheric mantle compositions in Kamchatka, Russia: first trace elementdata on mantle xenoliths from the Klyuchevskoy Group volcanoes. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 263: 122-131, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.12.022.IF 2.19.
Laurent O., Paquette J.L., Martin H., Doucelance R., MOYEN J.F. (2013) "LA-ICP-MS dating of zircons from Meso- and Neoarchean granitoids of the Pietersburg block (south Africa) : Crustal evolution at the northern margin of the Kaapvaal craton.” Precamb.Res. 230: 209-226.
Menard G., Vlastélic I., IONOV D.A., Rose-Koga E.F., Piro J.L., Pin C. (2013) Precise and accurate determination of boron concentration in silicate rocks by direct isotope dilution ICP-MS: Insights into the B budget of the mantle and B behavior in magmatic systems. Chemical Geology 354, 139-149, doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.06.017. IF 3,15.
Nabaz M, Celle-Jeanton H., Huneau F., Le Coustumer P., LAVASTRE V., Bertrand G., Charrier G., Clauzet M.L. (2013) Isotopic and geochemical identification of main groundwater supply sources to an alluvial aquifer, the Allier River valley. Journal of Hydrology. 508 181-196 doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.10.051.
Nsifa Nkonguin E., Tchameni R., Nédélec A., Siqueira R., Pouclet A., BASCOU J. (2013) Structure and petrology of Pan-African nepheline syenites from the South West Cameroon ; Implications for their emplacement mode, petrogenesis and geodynamic significance. Journal of African Earth Sciences 87 (2013) 44-58. Doi .org: 10.1016/j;jafreasci.2013.07.008. IF 1,23.
Prytulak J., Nielsen S.G., IONOV D.A., Halliday A.N., J. Harvey, K.A. Kelley, Niu Y., Peate D.W., Shimizu K., Sims K.W.W. (2013) The stable vanadium isotope composition of the mantle and mafic lavas. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 365, 177-189, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.01.010. IF 4,35.
RENAC C, Bodergat A.-M., GERBE M.-C., Gal F. (2013) Intracontinental Miocene: Reconstruction of hydrology and paleoclimate change in the Forez Basin, France (Part II). Sediment. Geol., doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2012.09.004. IF 1.54
RENAC C., Mexias A., Louni-Hassini A., Brouillet S., COTTIN J.Y. (2013) Felsic magma source and meteoric hydrothermal alteration from the Maghnia volcanic massif (Northwest Algeria). Ore Geol. Rev. (acc. Dec-2012). IF 2,15.
Romain R, Le Gal La Salle C., Jean-Baptiste P. ; LAVASTRE V.., Fourré E., Bensenouci F., Matray J-M., Landrein P, Shouakar-Stash O., Frape S.,., Michelot J-L, Lancelot J. Chlorine transport processes through a 2000 m aquifer/aquitard system. Marine and petroleum geology. Sous presse. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2013.12.013. IF 2.11
Sauter D., Cannat M., Rouméjon S., Andreani M., Birot D., Bronner A., Brunelli D., Carlut J., DELACOUR A. et al. (2013) Continuous exhumation of mantle-derived rocks at the Southwest Indian Ridge for 11 million years. Nature Geoscience 6, 314-320, doi:10.1038/ngeo1771. IF 11,75.
Wauthier C., CAYOL V., Poland M., Kervyn F., d’Oreye N., Hooper A., Samsonov S., Tiampo K., Smets B., (2013) Nyamulagira’s Magma Plumbing System Inferred from 15 years of InSAR, Geol.Soc.London Special publications : Remote Sensing of Volcanoes and Volcanic Processes : Integrating .Observations and Modelling, 380, doi: 10.1144/SP380.9,2013
ACL sous presse
Bolle O., Charlier B., BASCOU J., Diot H., McEnroe S.A., Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility versus lattice- and shape-preferred orientation in the Lac Tio hemo-ilmenite ore body (Grenville province, Quebec). Tectonophysics IF 2.68
COUZINIE S., MOYEN J.F., VILLAROS A., Paquette J.L., Scarrow J.H., Marignac C. “Temporal relationships between Mg-K mafic magmatism and catastrophic melting of the Variscan crust in the southern part of the Velay Complex (Massif Central, France).” Journal of Geosciences.
Janousek V. , MOYEN J.F., (accepted). Mass balance modelling of magmatic processes in GCDkit. Modelling of Magmatic and Allied Processes. Santosh Kumar, Springer Verlag.
Martin H., MOYEN J.F., M. Guitreau, J. Blichert-Toft, J.-L. Le Pennec (accepted). "Why archaean TTG cannot be generated by MORB melting in subduction zone. Lithos.
Tuner S., Rushmer T., Reagan M., MOYEN J.F. (2014) “Heading down early on ?” Geology.
ACTI : Communications avec actes dans un congrès international
Barruol G., Cordier E., BASCOU J., Fontaine F.R., Legrésy B., Lescarmontier L., 2013. Tide-modulated Icequakes in the Mertz Glacier Grounding Area, East Antarctica, AGU, San Francisco.
BÉNARD A, McAlpine SRB, Nebel O, Tollan PME, Arculus RJ, IONOV DA (2013) Melt Evolution from the Mantle Wedge to the Crust: Insights from South Kamchatka and West Bismarck Arc Xenoliths. Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5) 684. 23rd Goldschmidt Conf, Florence.
Carlson R, IONOV D (2013) Preserving Fertile MORB Mantle in the Continental Lithosphere. Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5) 827. 23rd Goldschmidt Conf, Florence.
CARROUEE S., MOYEN J.F., Cuney M. (2013) The oldest uraninite of the world from the Mpuluzi and Heerenveen granites/pegmatites (Barberton area, South Africa): a possible source for the Dominion Reef quartz pebble conglomerate uranium mineralisation. 12th SGA Biennial meeting. Uppsala, Sweden.
CAYOL V., Wauthier C., Kervvn F., D’oreve N. (2013) Magma assisted extension in an immature continental rift. based on InSAR observations of Nvamuragira and Nviragongo Volcanoes. Meeting on Active Volcanisme and Continental Rifting with special focus on the Kivu rift zone, Gisenyi, Rwenda, Nov. 2013.
CAYOL V., Cattelain C., Gouinaud C., Hermite Ph., Froger J.L., (2013) An interface for the joint inversion of sources geometry and stress changes, Atelier Form@ter Mesure de Déformations par Imagerie Spatiale, Autrans, Oct.2013.
COUZINIE, S., MOYEN J.F., VILLAROS A., J. L. Paquette, C. Marignac and J. H. Scarrow (2013). Death of an orogen. Granulites and Granulites. Hyderabad, India;
COUZINIE, S., MOYEN J.F., VILLAROS A., J. L. Paquette, C. Marignac and J. H. Scarrow (2013) Mg-K mafic magmatism and catastrophic melting of the Variscan crust in the southern part of the Velay complex (Massif Central, France). EGU. Vienna: EGU2013-1205.
François, C., P. Philippot, P. Rey, D. Rubatto, MOYEN J.F., (2013). Archean geodynamic: Fingerprinting sagduction vs subduction processes. Goldschmidt 2013. Florence: Gold2013-xxxx
IONOV D, DOUCET L-S, Golovin A (2013) The Origin of Garnet Peridotites in the Siberian Cratonic Mantle from Chemical, Modal and Textural Data. Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5) 1359. 23rd Goldschmidt Conf, Florence.
Laurent, Martin H., MOYEN J.F., Doucelance R. (2013). Geochemical diversity of late-Archaean Mg-K-rich mafic magmas (sanukitoids) and its implication for metasomatic processes between silicate melts and mantle peridotite. EGU. Vienna: EGU2013-2114.
Mohammed N. Celle-Jeanton H., Batisson B., Bardot C., Colombet J., Huneau F., Le Coustumer P., Clauzet M-L, LAVASTRE V. (2013). Integrated characterization of groundwater contamination in an alluvial system. Case study of Allier alluvial aquifer (Massif Central, France). EUG2013. Vienne. Austria. 7-12 april 2013.
MOYEN J.F.(2013). Archaean tectonic systems: a naive geochemist's view. EGU. Vienna: EGU2013-2331.
MOYEN J.F.(2013). Archaean Granites: Classification, Origin and Tectonic Implications. Goldschmidt 2013. Florence: Gold2013-3118.
Nicoli, G., Stevens G., MOYEN J.F, Taylor J. (2013). Leucosome formation by desequilibrium melting and melt loss: perspectives from the South Marginal Zone (SMZ) of the Limpopo Belt, South Africa. Goldschmidt 2013. Florence: Gold 2013-xxxx.
Nimis P, Goncharov A, IONOV D (2013) Fe3+ Partitioning Systematics between Orthopyroxene and Garnet in Well-Equilibrated Mantle Xenoliths. Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5) 1852. 23rd Goldschmidt Conf, Florence.
Odeloui D., Celle-Jeanton H., Huneau F, Alasanne A, Boukari M., Mama D., LAVASTRE V. (2013). Geochemical and isotopic study of the aquifers of the littoral plain of Benin. EUG2013. Vienne. Austria. 7-12 april 2013.
VILLAROS A., MOYEN J.F.(2013) Granulite-‐facies melting, granite genesis and differentiation of the crust: an example from the Variscan Massif Central, France. Granulites and Granulites. Hyderabad, India.
VILLAROS A., MOYEN J.F., Pichavant M.(2013) Succesive geotherms, granitic production and evolution of the lower crust in a post-collisional context. Goldschmidt 2013. Florence: Gold2013-xxxx.
VILLAROS A., Pichavant M., MOYEN J.F., Cuney M., Deveaud S., Gloaguen E., melleton J. (2013) Dirty or Tidy ? Contrasting peraluminous granites in a collapsing Orogen: Examples from the French Massif Central. EGU. Vienna: EGU2013-7680.
Wauthier C., Roman D., Poland M., Miklius A., Hooper A., Fukushima Y., CAYOL V. (2013) Modeling the behavior of Kilauea’s southwest rift zone using InSAR. GPS and seismic data, Assemblée Générale de l’IAVCEI, Kagoshima, Japan, July 2013.
Wauthier C., Roman D., Poland M., Miklius A., Hooper A., Fukushima Y., CAYOL V. (2013) Magma-tectonic interactions at Kilauea volcano revealed by the modeling of geodetic and seismic data, American Géeophysical Union, San Francisco, U.S.A., décembre 2013.
ACT : Communications avec actes dans un congrès national
LAMARQUE G., BASCOU J., Barruol G., Ménot R.P., Rolland, Y., Cottin J.Y., 2013. Structure de la zone de cisaillement du Mertz : caract risation de son extension lat rale et verticale, Journ es du NFRA, Paris.
ACL : répertoriés par Web of Knowledge-Thomson Reuters, publiés (version papier) en 2012
Abidi R., Slim-Shimi N., Marignac C., Hatira N, Gasquet D., RENAC C., Soumarin A., Gleeson S., (2012) The origin of sulfate mineralization and the nature of the BaSO4–SrSO4 solidsolution series in the Ain Allega and El Aguiba Ore Deposits, Northern Tunisia. Ore Geology Reviews 48: 165-179, doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2012.03.003. IF 2.16.
BÉNARD A., IONOV D.A. (2012) A new petrogenetic model for low-Ca boninites: evidence from veined sub-arc xenoliths on melt-mantle interaction and melt fractionation. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 13 (1), Q0AF05, doi:10.1029/2012GC004145. IF 3,02.
BERTRAND G., Masini J., Goldscheider N., Meeks J., LAVASTRE V., Celle-Jeanton H., Gobat J.-M., Hunkeler D. (2013). Determination of spatiotemporal variability of tree water uptake using stable isotopes (δ18O, δ2H) in an alluvial system supplied by a high-altitude watershed, Pfyn forest, Switzerland. Ecohydrology (publ. Wiley Online library 23-nov-2012 doi: 10.1002/eco.1347. IF 2.13.
Delpech G., Lorand J-P., Grégoire M., COTTIN J.Y., O’Reilly S.Y. (2012) In-situ geochemistry of sulfides in highly metasomatised xenoliths from Kerguelen, southern Indian Ocean. Lithos 154: 296-314 (1 December 2012), doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2012.07.018. IF 3,25.
DOUCET L.S., IONOV D.A., Golovin A.V., Pokhilenko N.P. (2012) Depth, degrees and tectonic settings of mantle melting during craton formation: inferences from major and trace element compositions of spinel harzburgite xenoliths from the Udachnaya kimberlite, central Siberia. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 359-360: 206-218, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2012.10.001. IF 4,18.
Farina F, Stevens G. VILLAROS A. (2012) Reconciling multi-batch, incremental pluton assembly with processes in a dynamic magma chambers: the case of the Peninsula pluton granite (Cape Granite Suite, South Africa). Mineralogy and Petrology 106 (3-4): 193-216, doi:10.1007/s00710-012-0224-8. IF 1,28.
GONCHAROV A.G., IONOV D.A., DOUCET L.S., Pokhilenko L.N. (2012) Thermal state, oxygen fugacity and C-O-H fluid speciation in cratonic lithospheric mantle: new data on peridotite xenoliths from the Udachnaya kimberlite, Siberia. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 357-358: 99-110, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.09.016. IF 4,18.
GONCHAROV A.G., IONOV D.A. (2012) Redox state of deep off-craton lithospheric mantle: new data from garnet and spinel peridotites from Vitim, southern Siberia. Contrib. Miner. Petrol. 164 (5): 731-745, doi:10.1007/s00410-012-0767-z. IF 3,44.
Hidalgo S., M.C. GERBE, H. Martin, P. Samaniego, E. Bourdon (2012) Role of crustal and slab components in the Northern Volcanic Zone of the Andes (Ecuador) constrained by Sr–Nd–O isotopes. Lithos 132: 180-192, doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2011.11.019. IF 3,25.
Jaguin J., Gapais D., Poujol M., Boulvais P., MOYEN J.-F. (2012) The Murchison greenstone belt (South Africa): a general tetonic framework. S. Afr. J. Geol. 115: 65-76, 10.2113/gssajg.115.1.65. IF 0,41.
Lohmar, S, Parada, M., Gutierrez, F., Robin C., GERBE MC (2012) Mineralogical and numerical approaches to establish the pre-eruptive conditions of the mafic Lican Ignimbrite, Villarrica Volcano (Chilean Southern Andes). J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 235: 55-69, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.05.006. IF 1,98.
MOYEN J-F, van Hunen J. (2012) Short-term episodicity of Archaean plate tectonics. Geology 40 (5): 451-454, doi: 10.1130/G322894.1. IF 3,61.
MOYEN J-F, Martin H. (2012) Forty years of TTG research. Lithos 148: 312-336, doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2012.06.010. IF 3,25
Nedelec, A., Chevrel, M. O., MOYEN J. F., Ganne, J., Fabre, S. (2012) TTGs in the making: Natural evidence from Inyoni shear zone (Barberton, South Africa). Lithos 153 (SI): 25-38, doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2012.05.029. IF 3,25.
Słaby E., Martin H., Hamada M., Śmigielski M., Domonik A., Goetze J., Hoefs J., Hałas S., Simon K., MOYEN J.-F., Jayananda M. (2012) The consequence of mantle-derived fluids for the petrogenesis of the archaean closepet granite – alkali feldspar megacrysts case study. J. Petrology 53 (1): 67-98, doi:10.1093/petrology/egr056. IF 4,06.
Van Hunen J., MOYEN J.-F. (2012) Archaean subduction: fact or fiction? Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 40: 195-219, doi:10.1146/annurev-earth-042711-105255. IF 7,58.
VILLAROS A., Buick I.S., Stevens G. (2012) Isotopic variation in S-type granites: an inheritance from a heterogeneous source? Contrib. Miner. Petrol. 163 (2): 243-257, doi:10.1007/s00410-011-0673-9. IF 3,44.
OS : Ouvrages scientifiques (ou chapitres de ces ouvrages) publiés en 2012
Barbarin B, Gonord H., Vitel G, Couette F., GERBE M.-C., Becq-Giraudon J.-F., Lagarigue J.-L. (2012) Carte géologique de la France (1/50 000), feuille de Firminy (744). Orléans : BRGM. Notice explicative par Barbarin B., Gerbe M.-C., Vitel G., Gonord H., Couette F., Lebret P., 122p., ISBN 978-2-7159-1744-6.
Barbarin B., GERBE M.-C., Vitel G., Gonord H., Couette F., Lebret P (2012) Notice explicative, carte géologique de la France (1/50 000), feuille de Firminy (744). Orléans : BRGM, 122p. Carte géologique par Barbarin B., Gonord H., Vitel G., Couette F., Gerbe M.-C., Becq-Giraudon J.-F., Lagarigue J.-L, ISBN 978-2-7159-1744-6.
Seddiki A., MOINE B., COTTIN J.Y., BASCOU J., Godard M., Faure F., Bourot-Denise M., Remaci N (2012) A mineralogical and geochemical study of polymict eucrite discovered in Sahara of southwest Algeria. Arabian J Geosci, doi :10.1007/s12517-012-0624-4. IF 1,14