Publications - Année 2022

Publications du LGL@Saint-Etienne - Année 2022


Allioux, M., Yvenou, S., Merkel, A. Cozannet M. , Aubé J. ,Pommellec J. , Le Romancer M. , Lavastre V. , Guillaume D. & Alain K. (2022). A metagenomic insight into the microbiomes of geothermal springs in the Subantarctic Kerguelen Islands. Sci Rep 12, 22243 (2022).

Bärenstrauch M, Vanhove A.S., Allégra S., Peuble S., Gallice F., Paran F., Lavastre V, Girardot F., 2022. Microbial diversity and geochemistry of groundwater impacted by steel slag leachates. Science of The Total Environment, 843 156987,

Charton J, Schimmelpfennig I, Jomelli V, Delpech G, Blard PH, Braucher R, Verfaillie D, Favier V, Rinterknecht V, Goosse H, Crosta X, Chassiot L, Martin L, Guillaume D, Legentil C, ASTER Team (2022). New cosmogenic constraints on Late Glacial and Holocene glacier fluctuations in the sub-Antarctic Indian Ocean (Kerguelen Islands, 49°S). Quaternary Science Reviews.

Cortiade N, Delacour A, Guillaume D, Moine B & Chevet J (2022). Serpentinization of mantle xenoliths in Kerguelen archipelago: A first petrographic and geochemical study. Lithos, https//

Lafay R., Baumgartner L.P., Delacour A. (2022) Preservation of mantle heterogeneities and serpentinization signature during antigorite dehydration: the example of the Bergell contact aureole. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 1-23, 1– 23.

Dumont Q., Cayol V., Froger J.-L., & Peltier A. (2022). 22 years of satellite imagery reveal a major destabilization structure at Piton de la Fournaise. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2022) 13:2649 |

Lhosmot A., Bouchez J., Steinmann M., Lavastre V., Vincent B., Loup C., Stefani V., Boetsch A., Chevet J., Toussaint M.-L., Gaillardet J. and Bertrand G., 2022. The origin and transfer of water and solutes in peatlands: a multi tracer assessment in the carbonated Jura Mountains§. Hydrological Processes

Seydoux-Guillaume A.-M., de Resseguier, T., Montagnac, G., Reynaud, S., Leroux, H., Reynard, B., and Cavosie, A. J. (2022). Bridging the shocked monazite gap- Deformation microstructures in natural and laser shock-loaded samples. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 595, 117727.

Turuani M.J., Laurent A.T., Seydoux-Guillaume A.-M., Fougerouse D., Saxey D., Reddy S.M., Harley S.L., Reynaud S., and Rickard W.D.A. (2022). Partial retention of radiogenic Pb in galena nanocrystals explains discordance in monazite from Napier Complex (Antarctica). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 588 (2022) 117567.


Chapuis H., Pascoletti Y, Paran F ., Graillot D., Ré Bahuaud J., Johannéet A., Guy B., Peuble S., Mamonier P., Piegay H., Lavastre V., Jolivet J.. 2022. Connaître et quantifier les échanges hydrauliques karst/rivière. Recommandations méthodologiques. Zone Atelier Bassin du Rhône. Collection Eau & Connaissance. Ed Agence de l’Eau Rhône Méditerrannée Corse. 142 pages